Transitions Programme
SPECS recognises the important milestones in children’s lives and in particular supporting smooth transitions for young children, such as those into preschool and primary school.
How Does it Work?
SPECS has a dedicated support working with parents, early years practitioners and teachers recognising the importance of successful transitions in a number of ways including:
Supporting parents with transitions including into and out of pre‐school as well as the transition to Primary School
Creating an atmosphere of shared learning and support between Early Years Services and local Primary Schools
Providing Early Years Services with resources to support transitions, aligned with national requirements and Aistear & Síolta
Developing transition resource packs with Early Years Services and
Primary Schools providing for individual needs

To find out more about how SPECS supports transitions please contact Brona Murphy at
For Early Years Services here is our webinar on Supporting the Transition from EECC to Primary School. A collaboration bewtween SPECS, CYPSC, WCCC and TUSLA
Click on these simple print outs that can help your child make the move to big school.

Some further resources below
For Schools and ECCE services:
Mo Scéal Reporting Templates | NCCA
mo-sceal-template-1_int.pdf (
mo-sceal-template-2_int.pdf (
For parents: If your child is starting in ECCE
If your child is starting primary school
mo-scéal-moving-from-preschool-to-primary-resources-english.pdf (

Roots Of Empathy
Roots of Empathy is an evidence-based programme that has shown significant results in reducing levels of aggression among school children by raising social/emotional competence and increasing empathy.
How Does It Work?
At the heart of the programme are a baby and parent who visit the classroom
every three weeks over the school year. A trained Roots of Empathy Instructor
coaches students to observe the baby's development and to label the baby's feelings. In this experiential learning, the baby is the "Teacher", which the instructor uses to help children identify and reflect on their own feelings and the feelings of others.
The Roots of Empathy Instructor also visits before and after each family visit to prepare and reinforce teachings using a specialised lesson plan for each visit.
Why Do We Do It?
In the short term Roots of Empathy focuses on increasing levels of empathy,
resulting in more respectful and caring relationships and reduces levels of bullying and aggression. In the long term it aims to build the capacity of the next generation for
responsible citizenship and responsive parenting
Where is the programme running?
SPECS funds the programme in a number of schools in the Bray area.
How do I get more info?
Please Call 01 211 6481 or Email