Parenting Programmes
Parents Plus Early Years 1-6 yrs
Parents Plus is a parenting programme which uses practical steps to help parents work through any stresses or difficulties they are having with their child and explore new ways to help their child learn and develop. Our facilitators are friendly, non-judgemental and respectful of your role as a parent.
Who is the Course for?
Parenting is probably the most important and most rewarding role you will undertake in your life. Yet parenting children is far from easy, having many ups and downs, posing great challenges and difficulties.
The course is suitable for all parents and people caring for young children aged 1-6 years. This includes couples, lone parents, foster or step-parents, grandparents and other family members, and all other guardians and carers of children. This programme is free of charge.
Topics Include
Encouraging and supporting children
Promoting children's language and development
Helping children concentrate and learn
Building co-operation in young children
Managing tantrums, misbehaviours and problems
What parents said they found helpful:​
"Learning new skills as a parent like the pause button and letting the child lead playtime"
"To be more encouraging towards my daughter and to pay more attention to the good things she does than the bold"
"Keep a good tone of voice and keep calm when my child is misbehaving""
How do I apply for a course or get more info? Please Call 01 211 6481 or Email

Parenting When Separated
The Parents Plus Parenting when Separated Programme is a six week course for parents who are preparing for, going through, or have gone through a separation or divorce.
Who is the Course for?
The programme is aimed at parents who are separated or who are going through a separation with children under the age of 12 years who live in the greater Bray area. Separated couples do not attend the same group together. This programme is free of charge.
Topics Include
Solving co-parenting problems in a positive way that focuses on the needs of children.
Coping with the emotional impact of separation and learning stress management techniques.
Helping your child(ren) cope with the impact of the separation both emotionally and practically.
Enhancing communication with your child(ren) and with the child(ren)'s other parent.
What parents said they found helpful:​
'Fabulous course. My children's lives have been improved by me doing this course. Excellent opportunity to improve your own life too.'
'I loved the group support and found it so helpful and got great advice. I learned a lot from the course and I enjoyed coming every week'.
How do I apply for a course or get more info? Please Call 01 211 6481 or Email

Circle of Security
Circle of Security is an evidence-based programme which helps parents and care-givers learn to read and understand their child’s emotions more successfully.
It is based on decades of research about how secure parent-child relationships can be supported and strengthened. It supports parents to help their children feel secure and manage their emotions better and support their child’s positive self-esteem. The course also helps parents to recognise their own anxieties around parenting and how to manage these and helps parents and children to build positive, warm attachments.
Who is the Course for?
The programme is for parents from pre birth to 5 years of age and groups take place in a number of community settings.
It is an eight week group programme that will help parents to:
Understanding children’s emotions and behaviors
Respond to their cues
Create a secure base from which children can explore their world safely
Consider your own needs when parenting
​For more information
Please Call 01 211 6481 or Email

Strengthening Families
SPECS funds the Strengthening Families Programme (SFP) in the local area and is an evidence based programme with proven outcomes for families where parents and children / teens learn together.
How Does it Work?
The Strengthening Families Progamme aims to:
Improve family communication
Increase children’s life skills including communicating, resisting peer pressure, recognising their feelings and solving problems.
Increase positive and effective parenting skills
Allow families to have fun together
Help families grow and learn together
It is a 14 week skill based programme which involves families learning and developing knowledge and skills which make them stronger, closer and able to cope with life’s challenges.
It includes :
A family meal every week
A Parent Programme
A Children's Programme (6-11) and/or Teen Programme (12-17)
A Family Programme
Provision of childcare for younger children if necessary
​Why Do We Do It?
The Strengthening Families Programme has been proven effective in a number of ways for
families and children including :
Delaying the onset of adolescent substance use
Lowering levels of aggression
​Increasing the resistance to peer pressure in youth
​Increasing the ability of parents/caregivers to set appropriate limits and show affection to and support of their children
​For more information
Please Call 01 211 6481 or Email